Monday, March 1, 2010

Really, is 2 minutes that big of a deal?

This one applies to both men and women.

When you're sitting at an intersection during rush hour, and the light goes yellow, don't pull forward and go through the light and block the entire intersection. All you're doing is making the problem worse. The light will be green again in less than 2 minutes. You aren't that important. You can wait. Don't be that guy.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I know, she's hot.

Yes, that woman across the room/food court/bar is totally smoking hot, she most likely knows it too. Just because you're married and you're tired of looking at your wife and for once she isn't out with you, doesn't mean you can just openly leer at other women. So close your mouth, and Don't be that guy.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Don't let eveyone know you're a mope.

I promise, these won't all be sports related.

If you happen to have seats at a sporting event where you're on camera fairly often, like around home plate, don't call your friends on your cell phone and wave to them when you're on camera. Don't be that guy

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Starting something new

Not sure if this will take (me blogging regularly or whether it will produce any real benefits), but apparently society needs a little help. Ok a lot, and I'm probably not the one who should be helping. A lot of people would probably say I need help, but here goes. In a nutshell:

Don't be that guy.


If you haven't noticed, people -men more often than women - do really stupid things. A lot. I'm not talking criminal acts, there are already blogs dedicated to stupid criminals, but things where often times they're embarrassing themselves, or worse you if you're with them. This is an effort to help try to eliminate some of those things from our society and culture. A little coaching advice if you will, to help people stop doing these stupid little things, that while they don't really hurt anyone, they bring us all down a level or two.

And our first entry:

If you have tickets to a basketball game, or any sporting event, that cost more than most people make in a week, don't act like a raving maniac, knocking over little kids to get a t-shirt shot out of a plastic cannon. Don't be that guy.